“If all the teachers in this world were just as dedicated as the Tender Hearts teachers, no parent would every have to worry about their kids.”
“Tender Hearts is my favorite institution in Benicia. During my daughter’s time there she learned all of the crucial skills she needed. She learned free choice and problem solving skills. She was completely prepared socially and was easily able to adapt to her new school and classroom setting for Kindergarten.”
“I love that they keep all the children together and don't separate them into groups by age. The 4 and 5 year old children are wonderful with the younger kids and help them and offer compassionate support when the younger kids are new. These kids are taught to be caring and loving, and independent problem solvers.”
“I could only describe it as a ‘mama's house’ feeling. As the year progressed we noticed that the care providers were very active in the kids' care but did not hover. They allowed the kids to manage minor conflicts and then taught them discipline and courtesy so the conflicts wouldn't happen again.”
Children explore the world through discoveries.
I just came here to get messy!